Wednesday, December 10, 2008

There are no dream jobs out there . . .

. . .at least none that I can find. I met with the nurse recruiters on Monday and they told me about all the jobs that are available that I qualify for. There is no worry about being unemployed - for there are quite a few things for me to pick from. But there is nothing like what I do now - the place, the pay, the hours and the work have all been great. It looks like I will either take a pay cut and work 40 hours a week instead of 36 or go back to 12 hour shifts which will include weekends and holidays. It also looks like I won't be able to stay in the Kaseman area. At this point I am more inclined to go back to 12 hour shifts. I don't see how I could get school done in 2009 if I am working 5 days a week. But we'll see. I am asking God to direct my path and show me what He wants me doing.

I have my first interview this afternoon. It is for Care Coordination at Presbyterian downtown. It looks like it is a pay cut, 40 hours a week - salaried (code for fwork overtime for free). But I am going to ask if they might have something at Kaseman and see if 4 tens or 4 nines might be possible. That would at least be similar to what I do now. I will interview and then stay to job shadow for the reast of the afternoon - observing someone who is a care coordinator so I get a good feel for the job.

The other position I would like to interview for is 12 hour shifts at the Northside urgent care. That would be really different and something I might enjoy learning. It would be 3 12s which would give me 4 days off each week. That would certainly help with my school goals. I can definately keep up the pace for 12 hour shifts. It would just be harder to stay regualr with Curves and walking my dogs.

So it seems each thing I look at will have its pros and cons. I appreciate the prayers and will keep you posted!

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