Saturday, April 10, 2010

Nice day

I should have done before and after photos. But this is the result of
my study breaks today. I studied 2-3 hours at a time and then did
weeding, raking and rose bush pruning in short stints in between.
That made for a very productive day!!
I planted two tomato plants beside my lilac that is still in a pot.
That lilac will go to Tennessee with me! I am hoping my thumb is green
enough to produce some home grown tomatoes this year. That would be a
The rose bushes are quite small now. Hopefully they won't be mad at me
for trimming them back so much. And my lilac is closer to blooming
each day. Can hardly wait! I'll have to sit in my backyard and inhale
the beauty once they bloom.
Now, I must get some things done toward the Brazil trip. If I can get
enough done, my reward will be to watch Castle at 9pm. :-)

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