Sunday, September 28, 2008

A Terrific Toddler Day!

Em is with me for 3 nights and 3 days while her mom and dad are with their youth leaders in Arizona. She has been a delight the whole time. Saturday was great. After breakfast we read books. Her favorite was Finding Tigger. We watched the Curious George DVD. We went to the Post Office where she got a Junior Postal Worker sticker for her shirt. We had lunch with Aunt Tiff at Sadies.

Then we headed to Borders for the afternoon of fun for kids. I told her it was a party so she was in her car seat saying "party, party, party!" while she made her hands go up and down. We heard stories and got to color. Then of course she wanted to play in the fountain. She's so cute trying to outsmart the fountain. She cried when I told her we had to leave, it was nap time. She asked for a cookie ("Tookie?"). I told her no and then she really cried. She obviously knows that the Tollhouse store and the water fountain go together!

She took a good long nap. Then we went for a 45 minute walk. I'm sure the neighbors think I am crazy (maybe I am!). While she is here walks mean I have her in the stroller and 2 excited dogs on leashes. I am sure we make a sight.

After dinner we colored and did a puzzle and then a bath. What a day! Fun to see it all through a toddler's eyes.

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