Thursday, October 2, 2008

How in the world did you do that?

That was Dr. Allen's reaction when I saw him today. The last time I saw him was in February. I told him I was frustrated with my diabetes and asked if I could see a diabetic educator. He sent me to one at endocrinology. As a result, on March 13 I stopped Amaryl, started on Byetta and began counting carbs. That was 52 pounds ago! He really was impressed. Apparently he has trouble getting Byetta approved for patients. He is going to call Dr. Pai (my endocrinologist) to find out his secret. He'd like to see lots of his diabetics have results like mine.

The goal for me now is 23 more pounds off. When that happens (and I fully believe that it will!), I will be down 75 pounds on Byetta, I will have gone from obese to normal weight, and I will be more than 100 pounds lighter than I was when I was diagnosed with diabetes in 1997. Amazing. I will also be littler than I ever managed to be with Herbalife or any of the zillion diets I have tried over the years.

After my experience with Byetta this year I would say that I was prediabetic for many, many years. These past 6 1/2 months it has been completely amazing to experience my body working normally in the appetite and response to food arenas. Thank God for helping someone discover this secret - in lizard saliva of all things!

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