Thursday, November 20, 2008

Em at Gramma's

I got to take care of Em today. She was so tickled to see Gramma when I picked her up. That makes it extra fun. After her nap we were going to take a walk. So I bundled her up as you can see. And took a flashlight since it was pitch dark at 5:30pm. But it was way too windy ('winny' as she says) and cold. So all we did was walk to the mailbox and back. But Buddy and Brutus were glad they at least got out for a few minutes! The rest of the evening after dinner we played - a craft, then play-doh, magnifying glasses to look through, a DVD of Curious George with Brutus at her side and 'Buddy repelant' in her lap! Never a dull moment. She puts 2 and 3 words together now. When we were playing on the stairs she wanted me out of the way for coming down so she said 'Go Mama'. She tickles me!

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