Sunday, November 16, 2008

My week

I had a very different, but enjoyable week. I worked Mon - Wed. Then did continuing education for work Thurs - Sat. The seminars were great - the speakers all local. Many were from Presbyterian, some from UNM and Lovelace. We really have some tremendous, knowledgable people here in Albuquerque. Then, since I also managed to get 3 questions done for school I treated myself to a movie with a friend. Stacey and I saw Mama Mia at the dollar theater. I'd have to say the movie was exactly like the Broadway show, but more enjoyable. It was fun seeing it in film. They did a great job with it.

Today was church, grocery shopping and dog classes - we've completed 6 of 8 now. So tomorrow it is back to work and schoolwork. I'm ready!

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